Transcript Process

Requesting an Official NVC Transcript



这两个 current and former students can request transcripts online via ace.

  • Current students 可以在“学生”页面的左上角访问web服务吗.

    Web Services > Student tab > Student Records > Request Official Transcript

  • Former students 可以在“主页”的左下角访问网络服务吗.

    Web Services > Student tab > Student Records > Request Official Transcript


  • Hold for Grades:你的成绩单要到正在进行的学期结束后才能产生,所有成绩 are posted to your record.
  • Hold for Degree:你的成绩单要到正在进行的学期结束后才能产生,所有成绩 your degree award have been posted. 这可能是在适用期限结束后的45天内.
  • Include Attachments:如果收件人要求,您可以在请求中附上附件.


The PDF option applies specifically to:

  • 学业成绩单(UG -本科生) no academic credit completed before 1985.

The PDF option does 适用于:

  • Continuing Education (CE) transcripts
  • 1985年以前取得学分的学生的本科成绩单

There is a minimum charge of $10.00, via credit or debit card, per transcript.



Required Information

  • 所使用信用卡/借记卡的正确名称和账单地址
  • Year attended from & to
  • Birth Date
  • First name & Last name
  • Current address 与 city and state
  • Primary Email address
  • 排序的主要原因(可供选择的列表)


  • Type (list to choose from)
  • Designated ‘Attention to’ or department
  • Physical address 与 city and state
  • Email (when PDF option is utilized)

Important Notes:

If you need official transcripts for a third party, they must be sent directly to their email address.

  1. Transcripts are NOT printed on campus. 所有的成绩单打印和邮寄从一个场外的位置后,要求作出. For this reason, 不可能在您要求的当天亲自领取成绩单.

    如果是打印的成绩单,则需要3至5个工作日才能处理. 对于请求中没有保留和/或问题的学生,PDF请求通常在处理订单的一小时内发出.

    Please contact contact Parchment Help Center at: 如果您的请求在7个工作日内未得到处理. 在申请成绩单的高峰期,你的成绩单的处理时间可能会更长.

  2. Students 与 a ‘transcript-hold’ will be able to request a transcript online, but until the hold is resolved, the transcript will 不 be sent out.

    For information on your transcript hold, 联系澳门正规博彩十大排行平台呼叫中心210-212-5266或免费电话1-844-202-5266.



请通过下面的链接提交您的成绩单请求, 提交您的官方授权给凭据解决方案发布您的成绩单可能会有延迟.

通过您的登录请求您的成绩单不会有延迟 ace 账户. 如果您需要帮助检索您的登录信息,请澳门正规博彩十大排行平台 帮助台.

Order Official Transcript through Parchment Check Status of Transcript Request


The PDF option applies specifically to:

  • 学业成绩单(UG -本科生) no academic credit completed before 1985.

The PDF option does 适用于:

  • Continuing Education (CE) transcripts
  • 1985年以前取得学分的学生的本科成绩单

There is a minimum charge of $10.00, via credit or debit card, per transcript.



Required Information

  • 所使用信用卡/借记卡的正确名称和账单地址
  • Year attended from & to
  • Birth Date
  • First name & Last name
  • Current address 与 city and state
  • Primary Email address
  • 排序的主要原因(可供选择的列表)


  • Type (list to choose from)
  • Designated ‘Attention to’ or department
  • Physical address 与 city and state
  • Email (when PDF option is utilized)

Important Notes:

If you need official transcripts for a third party, they must be sent directly to their email address.

  1. Transcripts are NOT printed on campus. 所有的成绩单打印和邮寄从一个场外的位置后,要求作出. For this reason, 不可能在您要求的当天亲自领取成绩单.

    如果是打印的成绩单,则需要3至5个工作日才能处理. 对于请求中没有保留和/或问题的学生,PDF请求通常在处理订单的一小时内发出.

    Please contact contact Parchment Help Center at: 如果您的请求在7个工作日内未得到处理. 在申请成绩单的高峰期,你的成绩单的处理时间可能会更长.

  2. Students 与 a ‘transcript-hold’ will be able to request a transcript online, but until the hold is resolved, the transcript will 不 be sent out.

    For information on your transcript hold, 联系澳门正规博彩十大排行平台呼叫中心210-212-5266或免费电话1-844-202-5266.
Sending Transcripts to NVC

在你被澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区的一所学院录取之前, we require your official transcripts.

High School Seniors 毕业后,您必须提交包含考试成绩和毕业日期的正式成绩单
Home School Students 提交经公证的高中同等学历成绩单及毕业日期.
GED Graduates 提交由德州教育局(TEA)出具的官方GED证书

成绩单必须未打开并密封在原始信封中才能被录取. 正式成绩单可亲自和/或通过正式电子收据(即.e, Parchment, E-script, etc.)

Transcripts can be mailed to:

Northwest Vista 大学

ATTN: Records & Residency

3535 N. Ellison Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78251